Tuesday, February 2, 2010

'Let Them Eat Cake'


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It's been a cool and wet February day so comfort food is the order of the day. What fits the bill better than cakes and who can can craft them better than our continental cousins?

For your delectation here is a concoction of cakes - containing chocolate, coffee, caramel, custard, cream, chestnuts and coconut - oh such creative confectionery. All cakes were photographed in Colmar and Strasbourg in December last year and yes I must confess to consuming one or two along the way!

If you click on the collage for the bigger picture you will be able to see more clearly, in the bottom left hand corner, the regional speciality of Alsace which is kugelhopf. Should you fancy cooking it yourself here is a recipe.

Why don't you call round to ABC Wednesday for more on the letter C.

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