Friday, February 19, 2010


Give me an hour or so pottering in the garden at this time of the year any day. It beats mid summer gardening hands down. Fingers might be dropping off, nose might be running etc., etc but oh it does such wonders for the spirit. This morning's snow showers gave rise to a decent enough day so I have spent some time outside. Hampered by coat, scarf and gloves I have not actually achieved much. I did briefly take the gloves off and sowed my first seeds of the year (onions Rijnsburger and Red Baron) but mainly I just mooched, looked and made plans. Whilst looking I came across this fungi growing on the bark of a rather dilapidated buddleia. I have come across this before but never in the garden. It looks quite disgusting but fascinating at the same time.

I think that it's time to remove the shrub as despite bearing a few leaves it does not look like it will flourish again. Wonder if I can persuade himself to do aforesaid deed. It does not require his strength but I am worried that I might topple over. Would that I were twenty years again and more athletic. Then who am I kidding - have never been athletic. Our garden has a small stream on one boundary - aforesaid fungied shrub is just on the edge of a rather disconcerting drop down to the stream. I have visions of falling in and floating off, as in the above painting of 'The Lady of Shalott' by Millais. I would certainly not look as romantic as I wended my way downstream to the nearest culvert.

Back in the warmth now feeling reinvigorated. Hopefully there will be more opportunity to get out over the weekend. If not with the arrival of the March editions of 'The Gardener' and ' Gardens Illustrated' and a book to read before Tuesday's reading group meeting, I am certainly not short of reading matter.

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