Friday, February 12, 2010

'Holding Back The Years'

No alas I have not discovered some magic serum to stave off wrinkles but serendipity has pointed me in the direction of a photo of what our immediate neighbourhood looked like in 1913. The old cottages have now been replaced by two bungalows (one of which we live in) and the pond has gone. I wonder what became of the little girl standing at its edge. A small stream now meanders across the area, bordering our garden on one side. There are still some trees on the skyline but not as many. The greenhouses in the background have long gone too but were apparently part of a small nursery. A dear friend who died in her eighties a few years ago used to visit the nursery as a girl to buy tomatoes. So it's reassuring to know that somebody with a love of gardening and plants used to live here almost a century ago.

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