Thursday, March 18, 2010

All Down To The Very Last 'Drop

First and foremost a bit thanks to all you lovely folk who recently wished me a happy birthday. I felt a bit of a fraud as my birthday was back in January but that it was much too early in the year for my birthday present to be delivered. The new arrivals are all potted up now and recovering from their journey all the way from Devon, home of Avon Bulbs. Thanks also those of you who answered my pleas for hints and tips on taking photos of snowdrops. Your advice was much appreciated. I also came across a most useful post on the very same subject here.

This month I been making an effort to grow my clumps of galanthus nivalis which are mainly around one edge of the garden, as well as under the trees on the path leading down to the house from the main road. I would like to achieve a continous ribbon at the garden's edge,rather than the intermittant clumps that are presently dotted about. I will be dividing some of the exisiting clumps later this month or early April to plug the spaces. Some of them are now quite substantial ~

I have tried again to do a snowdrop count in the style of VP but gave up as it sent me quite cross eyed. I know from previous photos though that the clumps are expanding and have also been delighted to see that they are self seeding too.

However I was impatient when I saw some little bundles of 'drops on sale at the Country Market and most reasonably priced. I could not resist. I took some home with me recently as an early Mother's Day present but also treated myself to a few and have already planted up some of the gaps. Slowly but surely the ribbon is taking shape.

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