Friday, January 15, 2010

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - January 2010

Here I will be venturing out soon - the need to restock the fruit bowl is urgent but I doubt if there will be any photos of flowers to follow. The snow give it its due is slowly evaporating but today has bought sleet and a stiff breeze, so my camera will remain cosy in its case. I imagine that there is not much out there to capture anyway - maybe the odd wild squirrel. I did want to photograph some interesting paw marks that appeared in the snow yesterday but I think that I should have ceased the moment then and there. If there had been a meltdown there maybe the odd named snowdrop or two to share with you, some winter flowering jasmine, a straggly sarcococca confusa, a witchhazel and the above hellebore which I photographed at the end of December. My garden is woefully lacking in autumn and winter interest. One of my gardening priorities in 2010 is to make a start on remedying that situation. So later on today I am sure that I will find inspiration as I see what everyone else has in bloom this January. I have also been spending some of this period of enforced hibernation reading up on this subject and hope to share my reading matter soon.

Inside my little white African violet is down to its last few flowers. It has flowered since the middle of July - how's that for good going.

You can find January blooms over at May Dreams Gardens kindly hosted by Carol. Until warmer days ..........

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