Sunday, January 31, 2010

End of Month View - January 2010

The advent of a new year was a welcome prompt for me to join in with Patient Gardener's 'End of Month View'. It was a challenge to decide which part of the garden to select as the whole is in need of a makeover. It was also a challenge to take a photo of the selected area with not only snow on the ground this morning, but also a big pile of paving blocks in my way. Don't ask about the blocks :) When and I say when the blocks are out of the way, I can take another photo of the border facing me, instead of head on and sideways.

This border runs alongside our dwelling. It is east facing, about twenty feet long and seven feet wide. I am not sure yet where it is going but it definitely needs an overhaul. There are some plants that need extracting, thinning out or repositioning and I have some new arrivals waiting in my coldframe to go in. I am debating about what to do with the fatsia japonica which I put there temporarily but before I knew it had taken off. The border does need more height at the back. However I am wary of it becoming overgrown as we have squirrels visiting the garden regularly. I do not want to provide them with ready made access to the roof. I may have said it before but garden planning and design leaves me bewildered and bamboozled.

There is not much sign of life there at the moment apart from some emerging hellebores and the smallest gathering of snowdrops which I have no recollection of ever planting.

Hopefully a monthly summary will give me the chance to record my progress or lack of it as 2010 unfolds.

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