Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tropical feast for the eyes…for the soul

We have been lucky to have spent some time in Brazil the last few years…

As we plan a return trip, I found myself looking through some of last years pictures.

Join me…will ya?

We stayed in the beautiful Historic colonial city of Olinda,

and while my husband travelled each day to the bigger city of Recife for work…see all the large buildings in the background?

I roamed around Olinda meeting locals.

Tasting the culture, inhaling the colors…

falling in love with the place.


Our home for two weeks was the Pousada Amparo

Amazing and charming 200 year old Inn the one white with the yellow trim

Our room overlooked the cobbled street below

it was the second floor shuttered windows


Down the street was the bodega where the locals would play guitar

and drink beer

and discuss politics, art and life in general…

In the evening they would pour out onto the street…sometimes dancing.


Up the street…

the artists played.


The rooms are beautiful and filled with history


and antiques

The wood beams have been protecting this place for centuries


These are the big heavy wooden shudders that look onto the Rue Do Amparo (Amparo street)


This was inside the Pousada and the door to our room

The light was streaming in from big skylights giving the whole inside a courtyard like feel


Downstairs is an amazing little restaurant

The flor de coco

one of the best in the town it offers regional specialties…with European flair…as the wonderful owner is from Belgium…

breakfast is provided here each morning



What better way to start the day?…


The small dining room is indoor/outdoor all year


The cook preparing the morning feast

In the authentic plantation style kitchen


Below is the wine cellar/bistro…


This is a postcard looking at the pousada…the dining room is above the

small bistro…the garden surrounding the pool is full of banana and tropical flora…and exotic birds


The entrance to the Pousada is filled with local artists work


Pousada do Amparo in Olinda Pernambuco Brazil.

Go. Experience it.

When you do…say hello to Sergio Vilanova


It’ll make his day.

and yours!

~Find even more ways to make your Friday at Julias Hooked on Friday par-tay!~

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