Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer project…Operation curb appeal…

So…You have had a peek at parts of our back yard

Here you can see the little casita (guesthouse) in the background…


dog path 014-1

…Just threw these in ‘cause they are blooming now…and knock my socks off!

dog path 017-1

Anyways... I am pretty darn positive you have not seen the front of our humble Casa

For good reason…mind you.

It is not lovely in the least.

Oh…it has potential, and yes I have planted a lot of donated and traded plants in it.


curb appeal particularly at the door… it lacks.

See the walkway…it was chatahootchie…that son #3 spent a summer scraping off... to get to the concrete.

I'm told it wasn't fun. I'm told some wouldn't come off.

rd 007-1

Now we plan on covering it with homemade concrete pavers.


Let me just say, it is GRUELING work to make these pavers. Sift the cement, add the sand, add cobinations of tint…mix with trowel…pour into molds…

Lather. Rinse.Repeat.

A friend who is truly an artisan is doing it…and I helped…well, with eight of the pavers

we need over 40.


I was ready to pack it in, man. I was filthy, hot, stained in shades of umber and rust brown…Both skin and clothes...

But Ole’ artisan man kept on truckin’.

yard 2-09 017

The plan started innocently enough

with my love of Rio De Janeiro’s sidewalks…

rio sidewalk1 rio sidewalk

But...knew that may be too much of a stretch.

I think I saw the husband wipe a brow on that one!

So then I moved to this idea…ish


Then to here…cause I loved the use of the small rocks on the risers…and the color

walkway inspiration

Then I got realistic… and said to self~

“self... if we even get close to a color like this I don’t need much else”

walkway colorsalt finish

But….I kept seeing this


…Probably because I am using it as a screen saver…

So…half of the infamous back killing pavers are made Thank you Dale! and we need to make some steps, and add rock to the risers...

and mud in the pavers….and ...

That…among 100 other things…is the summer project.


What are you dreaming about/working on/ planning and scheming?


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