Monday, June 29, 2009

In celebration…

… of my favorite Mom’s 80th birthday this Sunday…

okay, okay ONLY Mom...but still favorite

My brother completely surprised us by flying down from NYC, and we all

headed further south to the Sundy house and Taru Gardens

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in Delray Beach.

We had an amazing brunch among the tropical flora and fauna

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Cool Mimosas and bloody Mary's flowed freely

Never left to get below half of a glass

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After several courses of lovely delectables like smoked salmon and curried pasta...

florentine eggs benedict and Crepes bananas foster…

Mahi mahi and wood smoked pork just went on and on and on...

We took a break to stroll through the secret gardens

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Where we stopped at the natural rock bottomed pool,

and dipped our toes in amongst the colorful small fish

dancing in the crisp water…

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With Mimosas in hand we continued to wander through the acre garden…

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...Back at our table for another round of tropical smogasboard...

Oy...I’m still full.

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The food was spread out through many different parts of the historic Inn

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Can’t think of a better place to celebrate 80 amazing years…

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To many, many more….

and we’ll keep the mimosas flying!

okey dokey?

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