Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kirk Tuck says what I have wanted to say!

There is a great article by Kirk Tuck here: Why you shouldn't shoot like everyone else.

He said all I have been wanting to say for months already! Here is my response that I posted to his piece:

Damn! Everything I wanted to say but haven't because I have the writing skills of Mike Tyson. (Don't tell him I said that!)

I have been a member of a camera club here in South Africa for the last year and a half, and for the last few months I have been bugged by one thing, I know what "look" they want and either shoot or choose my entries for club evenings based on that (to get max points) rather than submit the stuff I really like. Just this week I decided not to submit pics at the club anymore, it's just a principle thing.

The same for the weddings and other stuff Ive done, it's all boring contrived crap.

Now the dilemma, how to go from here? I like the idea of collaborating with other photographers to inspire and help each other forward in our art, but that seems to stifle innovation. The club scene makes for clones rather than individuals. The commercial scene... well it's been said.

The idea that true artists are solitary, lone wolf types that thrive on suffering for arts sake is making more and more sense to me. But I also need to pay the bills in the mean time. Catch 22.

I think I need a rich patron! Any volunteers?

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