Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Gift

Time in the garden and the allotment has been precious during the last few days, especially as I have been away from home unexpectedly. In my absence a long awaited spell of warmth has really spurred on growth. Whilst my back was turned all sorts of flowers have suddenly unfolded from nowhere, faster than the speed of light. I have spent a most pleasant and calming evening just pottering about checking out the openings, squidging the dreaded greenfly which have appeared on my tomato plants as well as trying to keep up unsuccesfully with the potting on. Last task of the day and the most pleasant was trying to decide where to plant a couple of cortusa matthioli - a gift from Patient Gardener. As far as I am concerned plant gifts are the best gifts of all and I will certainly treasure these plants which were just showing colour last time I peeked at them and now look!

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