Friday, December 18, 2009

Out On The Streets In Alsace,France

Well it was December so we were sidetracked by Christmas markets, hot chestnuts, vin chaud or gluehwein and the ilk. However apart from these distractions, there was still plenty to see out on the streets of Strasbourg and Colmar for Veg Plotting's OOTS Sparkly Festive Edition.

Strasbourg is situated on the river Ill, where it flows into the Rhine on the German border.There are other waterways which cut the city up into different chunks, so it is rather challenging to find your way around. These planters which straddled the length of one bridge were in fine fettle. I am unsure whether they had been specially planted up for autumn/winter interest or whether they had been there all year round ~

There were chrysanthemum balls hanging from stylish lamp posts ~

and various planters back down at ground level ~

Himself and I pondered over various statues. This one speaks for itself ~

Here one of a series on display in the university area. I have never quite got into modern art ~

Back in the city centre one that I would have gladly taken home but we might have got odd looks going through customs ~

In close proximity to the statue this Nativity scene ~

On the last day of our holiday we made a short train journey to Colmar about 40 miles away from Strasbourg. These seasonal window boxes just opposite Colmar railway station provided a most welcome splash of colour. I am not that fond of ornamental cabbages but thought that they looked effective here ~

but walking further into town this planting did not do much for me ~

Finally still in Colmar it's winter on one side of the street yet summer on the other ~

I will be back soon with a sprinkle of festive glitter from Alsace.

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