Monday, December 21, 2009

Magic In The Air

Veg Plotting kindly invited us to do Festive Sparkly this December for her 'Out On The Streets' quarterly theme. I was hoping to get into Liverpool this weekend to return to Chavasse Park but himself has had other plans for me. The week before Christmas is not the best time to undergo a small operation but luckily it was a minor one and has gone well. It has meant though that I have been at his beck and call and that shopping has gone on the back burner. Just as well that it is really now just food shopping that is left. Hopefully I will get into Liverpool before the end of the year camera in hand but in the meantime here's some festive sparkle from the streets of Strasbourg and Colmar taken earlier in this month. There was certainly much of it evidence ~

Bears perched everywhere ~

There were hearts and stars too ~

An entire shop appeared to have a false festive facade. Click on the photo to see the little owl peering out from high above ~

Restuarants wore their seasonal finery ~

Here you can see the stork which is the emblem of the Alsace region ~

I would have liked to have dined here but where would my plate fit in?

Trees,statues and planters joined in the Christmas party too ~

This statue is a tribute to the sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi who designed 'The Statue of Liberty'. He was born in the house you can see in the photo ~

In the centre of Colmar ~

As for my favourite piece of festive frivolity you can see it at the top of this post. You will have to look carefully but out of the boughs surrounding the owls, rainbow soap bubbles floated out into the air - absolute magic.

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