Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - December 2009

Not much to report in the way of flowers from this neck of the woods. I have been out for a good part of the day so confess to cheating and taking one or two photos at the weekend when the sun was out. Just as well as it was too dull and damp to take any this morning. The star of the show at the moment is prunus subhirtella autumnalis - the autumn flowering cherry. This seems to go in suspended animation when there very cold weather but then comes good again in the spring. I sometimes cut branches to bring inside and enjoy the dainty blossoms at close quarters. I believe that this can also be grown as a shrub and intend at some point to try striking some hardwood cuttings.

Also not pictured but in flower are jasminum nudiflorum (this has crept round the corner of the house when I have not been looking), viburnum tinus and pulmonaria rubra 'Redstart'. I have not told the virburnum that it is in for the chop early next year. There are also still one or two annuals desperately hanging on but looking sadder by the day. Meanwhile there's evidence of the forthcoming spring with hellebores already showing colour and some bulbs already coming through the ground. Hopefully the cold snap that's due to arrive this week will slow the rate of growth down.

Galanthus plicatus'Three Ships' which I posted about in November is now fully out. Hopefully this will live up to its name and will hold on until Christmas Day.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is kindly hosted by Carol over at May Dreams Gardens.

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