Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall in Florida…well… fall in my camera…

You know how great it is when you find money in an old coat pocket?

A gift

Well as I try to…ahem…set up this new hard drive

I unloaded some pics from my trusty camera

That I didn’t really know were in there

and so I share…

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And apparently…a certain 14 year old who is enjoying her music theory classes had my camera in her possession for awhile

experimenting with the lens

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as did her friends

as they enjoyed their first homecoming dance…

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Oy…say’s the mother

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I happen to love the bruised knees…from climbing trees

but season’s change…

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Fall casually and quietly sneaks it’s way into the usually bright glow

which is the Florida I know…

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You learn to see and appreciate the subtleties of natures changes

I do anyway

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It is certainly not the plunge of orange fringed harvest hues our northern neighbors are gifted with…

but is a gift all the same

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But looking through the shots…

I find some gifts

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…are better left in the camera

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Just sayin’

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