Monday, October 12, 2009

A Walled Garden

I have always fantasized about having a walled garden. During the last week of September I was able to live the dream briefly, when we had a holiday in a dinky little cottage in the village of Hanley Swan, near Malvern. The cottage was the annex of a larger house complete with its own walled garden which visitors were able to sit out in, wonder round and enjoy.

The vase of garden flowers was on the living room window sill when we arrived. Its contents looked just as fresh a week later. I was most taken with the flower with refluxed petals. Initially I thought this might be a rudbeckia but was not sure which one. I asked the owner during the week to be told it was in fact helenium "Sahin's Early Flowerer". I was delighted to be offered a plant of this to take home with me.

Directly underneath the living room window a most softly sounding water feature ~

Just round the corner on the left a sitting out area for visitors - the feet belong to himself ~

More views down the garden ~

Now dropping hints of a return visit in spring but not getting far - it's back to the campervan methinks for the Malvern Spring Show. The walled garden remains top of the wish list should we ever win the lottery.

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