Sunday, September 13, 2009

Prayer in the form of peanut butter. And chocolate.

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Everyone I know who has the disease chooses to live.

Vic chooses to live.

Determined, stately, strong. Spitting at the malevolent face of cancer.


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The man with the gentle puddle of soulful blue eyes.

Has the steel of a Vietnam Veteran behind them. A marine.

This propels him. His family propels him. A life-force field.

He lives.

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I can cook…I can bake. Yes I can do that.

Peanut butter? Chocolate? Creamy?

Yes. I can do that. Happily…

as a gift of love. As a gift of strength.

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I… don’t know close up how this beast preys. How it consumes . how it maligns

But wish

no pray…

That somehow the peanut butter and chocolate will be a magic tincture of good over evil .

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The beauty…the therapy…in baking for a friend

is that each added ingredient has meaning…has memory

The mere whisking of ingredients is indeed prayer.

for wholeness.

for health.

for peace.

for hope.

And so I whisk...

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Dum spiro… spero

From the Latin: As I breathe…I hope

Make your own Chocolate Peanut Butter prayer from this recipe

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