Sunday, September 13, 2009

Absolute Musts!

All this rare sunshine is going to my head. I have had a surfeit of fresh air this week and as I have toiled at the allotment the grey matter has been in overdrive. I have come to the conclusion that I must :
  • Do some serious research into chemical toilets or porta potties (to use a quainter phrase). Perched over the bucket in the shed this morning, I had an alarming moment when I heard loud buzzing, which I think was in the vicinity of a certain very exposed part of my anatomy ! I did not dare to turn my head to look in case I toppled over.
  • Treat myself to Anna Pavord's new book 'Bulb' which I flicked through in Waterstones yesterday. Already laden down with shopping I could not manage to carry this heavy tome as well. First impressions were of excellence - masses of information and beautiful photography. I would like to have lingered it over it longer but I always feel guilty if I leave without making a purchase. I know it's slightly early to mention the dreaded C word but this could be my yearly gift to myself book. However Waterstones have got a special offer on the book at the moment. Should I return later in the week and then ask himself to hide the book until the appointed time? Decisions, decisions. Also on my book wish list are 'Veg Patch : River Cottage Handbook 4' by Mark Diacono and 'Garden Wisdom' by Leslie Geddes-Brown'.
  • Find out whether there is such an item as a waterproof, smudge-proof notebook. I have given up taken a notebook to the allotment as they invariably get dirty and/or damp. However I find that I do not always remember what I want to do or need to do. It would also be useful to be jot down notes and thoughts for future reference.
  • Take a tape measure with me to the allotment to measure the raised beds. I need to get some porous membrane to cover the beds over before the cold weather sets in. Now if I had the aforesaid notebook I would remember to put the tape measure into my allotment bag.
  • Plant onion sets and garlic next month. Before I can do that I need to order them but that's the easy bit. I also need to get my head round my hit and miss rotation system and work out where I can plant them. That should take some time says she scratching her head.
  • I must plant my bulbs before the end of November and not half way through January when in previous years I have risked severe frostbite to accomplish this task. As I have only bought a bag of sixteen tulip bulbs up to now this should not be beyond the realms of possibility. I shall just have to stay clear of bulb websites, catalogues and garden centres for the foreseeable future. Sounds easy.
Well I think that's enough musts for me to be getting on with for the time being. Time now to seek inspiration for what I can do with a mound of damsons.

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