Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tender blessings....

Reflecting over the 20 Mothers days I have been blessed by...

some here in Florida some in New York others in Colorado in Cape Cod.

There was one that truly defined the day.

It was many years ago.

Colin was 6, Quinton 5, Cameron 4 and Olivia just 1.

We lived in a large 4 story 1800's home next to the rambling

Delaware River
We built the fence you see below...and the boys painted it like
Huckleberry Finn one long summer.
There was a tire swing in the pear tree, just out of the picture.
and a fort in the pine tree.

Surrounded by cornfields. Life was beautifully...sometimes painfully slow.

The boys donned homemade capes and mudpuddle boots

as we would walk to the post office each day.

Life was an adventure.

We could swim from Pennsylvania to New York...or walk it.

We lived on what a map would decree was a border from state to state. To us it was a thin river and a bridge. And home.

Ron was away on business that year...the first time ever for mothers day...

I awoke...early... to some noise downstairs in the kitchen.

And before I could get up,

The first little boy came in to my room with a bowl of cheerios floating in milk....

followed, shortly, by another smiling urchin with a glass of orange juice...

followed by a last grinning face carrying some cards...

carefully made the night before (I just found out tonight) with construction paper.

I was undone.

I was touched.

My heart was so full.

My little people made construction paper hearts, made breakfast, kept secrets.

My little people gave me their true heart that morning.

.....and I carry them. Always will. So carefully. So tenderly.

To the mothers...especially mine
to the daughters and the hoping to be mothers.

I give you cheerios and construction paper cards.

I give you my heart.

Happy Mothers Day

Photos of our old house via: Country Living

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