Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kitchen tales…

So…we had to get a new fridge.


so nice to go back to freezer on the bottom again. Missed it!

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So…I think…maybe now the kitchen will stay spotless.

Not so much.

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Apparently , according to the sign in the pantry…whining doesn’t fly in this casa

So… I had to resort to the big guns.


**Mothers hide your childrens eyes…faint of heart…find another blog to peruse**

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…Can’t quite make it out?

Simple sentiment in dainty embroidery.

That should do it.

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My mother of the year award should be coming any day.

Yep…any day now.

ok ok I'll put the tea towel back in the drawer...way in the back

hangs head.

Head over to Hooked on Houses to find even more things to get thoroughly hooked on!

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