Saturday, May 26, 2012

Windmill Supermarket near Hartbeespoort Dam - "Old" digital technology isn't so obsolete after all!

Taken with an "ancient" digital technology Canon 350D and kit lens from early 2005. Still looks good to me!

Best of all is that I still have the camera and it still works like new! While Canon and Nikon don't publicly rate consumer cameras and their shutters very highly, in reality they will outlast any normal use that we can throw at them. While digital cameras are quickly tossed aside by Joe Public when a newer "better" camera is released, the truth is that if you look after them they will last way longer than expected and still take great photographs. Replacing cameras every couple of years is just a marketing ploy to keep selling cameras, and it's been ingrained so deeply into us by all the brainwashing indoctrination advertising that we can justify buying that new shiny doodad thingamabob quite easily. Remember when we only used to replace cameras once they broke completely and the dealer just simply couldn't repair them any more? No? It wasn't so long ago...

Now, how about that new D7000? :-)

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