Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day ~ May 2012

It seemed more like the middle of March than the middle of May when I stepped out to try to take some photos this morning. Chilly, gusty wind and winter coat on. Moreover it it had rained quite heavily in the night. Plans to leave the greenhouse shut for a while were thwarted when I saw a little bird flapping about on the staging. I was horrified to think that I had shut it in there for the night but tried to console myself by thinking that at least it had some warm shelter with some luxury bedding in the shape of fleece. The day has not improved with umbrella put into action earlier to fend off hail.

In May I have plenty of the above - geranium phaeum - in different shades - in fact too much but it is one of my favourite plants. It seeds itself about but not too nuisance values and is such an undemanding but obliging plant. It does not seem to suffer from any ailments and the molluscs treat it with disdain. Oh the leaves do get mildew in prolonged dried spells but no danger of that this spring.

The aquilegias have arrived -  I am not sure though yet whether 'Nora Barlow' is going to show up this year and will be disappointed if she doesn't. The plant above is a self seeded guest whilst below is an old favourite obtained from a seed exchange, possibly 'Hensol Harebell' if my memory serves me well ~

Another plant that I'm fond of polemonium caeruleum or Jacob's Ladder is showing colour. Firstly the stalwart ordinary version which seeds about ~

and one of cousins polemonium 'Lambrook Mauve' which is sterile but is easily divided in spring ~

The Pacific Coast Iris opened its one flower bud today - it must have known that it's a special day. I posted about this iris recently in what I have now christened my 'Not Waving But Drowning' border. Thanks for all your encouraging comments on that post which were much appreciated. Let's put it this way - there is definitely much more leaf than flower so the iris will be moving home later this year.

Two more May would not be withouts ~ polygonatum odoratum or 'Solomon's Seal' ~

and anthriscus sylvestris or cow parsley ~

Finally what would May be without a touch of blackthorn or May - I don't know about you but I'm definitely not casting a clout just yet ~

Much more May magnificence can be mulled over at May Dreams Gardens, with thanks to Carol as ever for hosting.

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