Thursday, February 23, 2012

"The Distant Smell Of Summer"

"There is always in February some one day, at least, when one smells the yet distant, but surely coming, summer" - Gertrude Jekyll, 1843 - 1932.

After months of thinking about it, reading about it and dreaming about it today was finally a day for actually doing it - spending the best part of the day in the garden. The temperature hit the magical 60 degrees farenheit, seeds arrived in the post and seeds were sown. The green waste bin is almost full and I am now heading off to soak my limbs. I might pay for it tomorrow but today has been pure bliss! I was too busy to photograph it so the crocuses are 2011 vintage.

PS Great excitement also when after months of staring at it I finally can see small leaves emerging at the base of the African violet leaf I rooted in the autumn!

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