Monday, February 20, 2012

A Snowdrop Open Day

Sparkling winter sunshine and snowdrops were very much the order of the day when we visited Abbeywood Gardens, in Cheshire yesterday morning. I penned the date in my diary as soon as I read that the gardens were holding their first snowdrop open day. Snowdrop events always seem to be hundreds of miles away adrift in the south and here was one almost on my doorstep! As well as a woodland area studded with these beauties, there were many more treasures (some 180 different varieties) planted in 'Jane's Garden', where the plantswoman behind the name has created a magical winter garden. Here Jane Rowlinson describes how her love affair with snowdrops started - do have a read.

Here are just a few of the stars of the show ~

You will have noticed the glistening white stuff on the ground. Late on Saturday night we had a cocktail of hail, sleet and snow. I am sure that Jane must have been on tenterhooks, as if the temperatures had really dropped overnight, both the snowdrops and the many hellebores in the garden would have not been able to do themselves justice. As it was the weather was made to order - if anything almost too bright for taking photos. I would have preferred to visit later in the day but was not able to do so, which meant that I've had to crop my shadow or himself's shadow out of several photos. There were some more agile photographers who took the prostrate on the ground position to take their shots but this is not for me - well not in a public place anyway.

As well as snowdrops there other bulbs and plants to catch the eye including many hellebores and one that struck me which I think is a red leaved bergenia - must find out which variety as its colour really complimented its neighbours ~

My wish list grew and grew as we walked round. I could hear himself groaning. Two must haves now are galanthus plicatus 'Madeleine' ~

and below galanthus nivalis 'Alan's Treat' which really pulled at my heartstrings as my Dad's name was Alan. I saw this in a catalogue earlier this year and paused - now that I have seen it in the flesh I will make a bee line for it next time I see it for sale ! 

We will definitely return to see how the snowdrops in 'Jane's Garden' and the woodland progress - over 40,000 snowdrops were planted in 2011 and the planting continues. However before then I have persuaded himself to point the campervan in the of Abbeywood Gardens later this year. There is a campsite nearby just right for a long weekend. There are more garden areas to explore at Abbeywood including an exotic garden and vegetable garden, Delamere Forest is on the doorstep and just down the road there is a cafe which makes the most delicious blts. The latter incentive was the deciding factor as far as himself is concerned but sometimes bribery works.

P.S. Athough this years snowdrop open day is done and dusted the Abbeywood website advises that visitors are welcome by appointment throughout February.

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