Thursday, December 23, 2010

To A Wonderful, Merry, and Peacefully Chaotic Christmas…

From our Happy{ish}Home…


ok...maybe some of us don't like photo shoots that much


To yours…

You have all made my heart and soul sing.

Each of you…The commenter’s and readers…the non-commenter's and readers…the just looker’s

the e-mailer’s…each of you has warmed…



The veery cockles of my heart.

I think I wuv you. each of you.

Merry Merry Christmas!

And...for what it is worth...

I think the Big Black Dog is smitten with you…too.

yep. Positive

And an extra for what it's worth...Happy 22nd anniversary to us!

yep...cuhrazzy kids married on Christmas Eve!


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