Monday, December 13, 2010

Embracing New Technology

I first discovered the magazine 'The English Garden' whilst waiting for a train connection at Nuneaton Railway Station of all places. This was back in the spring of 1997 and I can still remember my heart ~ skippy joy at discovering this brand new gardening magazine, which was very different to other contemporary publications. It made the hour or so I had to wait fly past, although keeping hold of the magazine was a major challenge, as the high speed trains shot past, leaving a hurricane like drag in their wake.

The magazine was published bi-monthly for the first year before becoming a monthly in May 1998. Since then I have purchased every copy which now fill a large wicker basket. Sooner or later I will be getting rid of this collection, preferably to a good home if I can find anybody who would like such an inheritance.  In the meantime as part of a major life de - cluttering effort, I have surprised myself by taking out a two year digital subscription to the magazine. I did this after much deliberation - the deciding factor was the financial incentive to do so. My subscription started instantly with the December edition. An email reminder arrived last week to advise that the January 2011 edition is now online. I realised that I already have a backlog to catch up on - so some things never change!

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