Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Welcome To The Pleasure Dome"


As I child I always hankered after a snow globe. I was fascinated by these glass globes, which encapsulated either festive or well known tourist scenes. Turning them upside down and shaking them resulted in magical and hypnotic snow flurries. I sadly never ended up with my own snow globe, so was delighted recently  to come across this grown up festive version in Liverpool. Much to my disappointment though despite the welcoming 'Have you be inside?, I could not work out an obvious way in and there was not an attendant in sight. So I was left to wonder whether I would have been shaken but not stirred and would the snow have whirled around me or would I have whirled round?

The wonderful letter W stars this week over at ABC Wednesday whilst over at Veg Plotting you can enjoy more seasonal whimsy out on the streets.

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