Monday, January 21, 2013

January Reading

Although this time of year has it minuses it offers a welcome opportunity spend some time visiting fellow bloggers. Here are a couple of blogs  that I have come across in the last few months which are now becoming regular ports of call. Both of them are relatively new to the garden blogging community, so if you have not already discovered them do pay them a visit.

Firstly an introduction to Cathy over at Rambling In The Garden. Cathy started blogging in March last year although it was later on in the year before I made her acquaintance. Cathy blogs regularly about her garden, writes her own poetry and it seems that we share a love of similar flowers including snowdrops. I am looking forward to reading about Cathy's garden as it emerges from its winter's rest. 

It's also been a pleasure to meet another Anna who blogs at 'dig the outside'. Anna is a keen gardener and allotmenteer who began blogging in October 2012. Last autumn her post about gardening in the dark conjured up all sorts of images. Now that we are in a new year Anna is planning to grow giant leeks amongst other crops and has already got her sweet peas, tomatoes and broad beans off the starting block.

Are there any new to you blogs that you have come across recently? If so please let me know or perhaps you could do an introduction on your blog.

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