Monday, July 2, 2012

"July She Will Fly"

"April come she will 
When streams are ripe
And full of rain
May, she will stay 
Resting in my arms again
June, she'll change her tune 
In restless moons she'll prowl the night
July, she will fly
And give no warning of her flight
August fly die she must
The autumn winds blow chilly and cold
September I'll remember
A love once new has now grown old"

- lyrics by Simon and Garfunkel

I've been rather silent on the blogging front recently both posting and commenting. Initially major, major problems with my computer kept me away. From working at snail's pace to the email programme totally disappearing the machine annoyed and thwarted me throughout June, to the extent that I was almost "prowling the night". Then a week's holiday, during which time sadly the computer did not miraculously come to rights in my absence, so I am now borrowing himself's laptop which is not as user friendly and does not have access to my photos. On a happier note the holiday bought us some welcome sunshine, plenty of time for reading and pottering, good food and wine in a little village in Normandy.

I'm not planning to disappear altogether but just in case here is warning of a possible "flight"! Blog posting may well be sporadic for some time. Hopefully I can get to grips with this computer's erratic keyboard though, so I will soon be visiting and commenting over at my favourite haunts.

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