Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Alphabet's End



"Zucchinis terrific!
Like bunnies, prolific!"

~ Author Unknown

When my Italian mother first came to England in the 1950s zucchini were not an item stocked by greengrocers much to her disappointment. So when my father got an allotment in the 1970s one of the first vegetables he grew were zucchini,using seeds sent by Italian relatives. His first crop was viewed with great suspicion by his plot neighbours but they soon became converts.

I have carried on the family tradition and would not be without zucchini plants at the allotment. This year I am growing 'Romanesco', 'Defender' and 'Green Bush'. The zucchini in the above photo are the first of the 'Romanesco' which we dined on at the weekend. The onions in the pan are also from the allotment. I added some tomato sauce to the pan and the final concoction went down nicely with a plate of pasta.

As we reach the the zenith of the alphabet more zany posts on the letter Z can be enjoyed at ABC Wednesday kindly hosted by Denise Nesbitt.

P.S. Fifty years on zucchini abound on supermarket shelves but greengrocers sadly seem less prolific on our high streets.

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