Tuesday, January 13, 2009

...Feeling Bleu?

Flotsam...Jetsam...lonely, saltwashed pieces of driftwood

Gnarled...forgotten...beaten by constant waves.

Beach debris. Nothing more, right?


Take a look at the way The artisans of Bleu Nature
make the most of the imperfect
yet beautiful
shapes that they find...

This innovative company produces a stylish eco-friendly furniture range made from repurposed wood, and designed by three French artists...Frank Lefebvre, Bastien Taillard and Laurence Glorieux.

"All Bleu Nature creations are born of an encounter between the technical mastery of a French craftsman and the prolonged work of nature. Nature has fashioned each piece of driftwood over time, rendering every item we produce unique in both form and dimension"

The team combs the beaches of the world
looking for any and all lost, drifted wood. Large or small. Twisted or straight.
Not a bad job...I could happily apply.

And gives each a new life. New soul.

it may be....

Bleu Nature

Sustain. Repurpose. Recycle.


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