Saturday, March 31, 2012

"I Don't Believe It!"

Just as my first crop of 2012 salad leaves have reached optimum munching stage, the unnaturally warm March spell we have been blessed with, has given way to soup and stew weather. This seems to be the outlook for some time to come. Inspired by Veg Plotting's 52 Week Salad Challenge these are my earliest crop of salad leaves ever! They were sown in January under cover and have lived under cover so no slug or snail nibbled edges in sight. Overall challenge wise I'm falling slightly at the wayside, hence my absence from last week's monthly round up but hope to be munching more of my own salad ingredients very soon. The pea shoots are not far behind and lots of other salady germinations have occurred in the greenhouse. Meanwhile whether himself likes it or not, it's a case of lettuce eat lettuce this weekend although I predict a verbal rant worthy of one Mr Victor Meldrew. Cover your ears readers!

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