Monday, December 26, 2011

Music, Movies and Memories - Mimi Naja & Parker Smith

 We started the holiday off with a great night of music at The Five Spot in Atlanta.   Mimi Naja (of Fruition String Band) and her good friend Parker Smith put on a late night show on the eve of the eve. 

Members of Mimi's Girlband from Junior High
Here are 3 of the same girls in 2000. 
Wits End 2000

Alicia is a true friend.  Still up at midnight waiting for the show to begin
Once the music started, the dancing began
Sweet Hannah
Christmas eve for our family has always included a movie along with a trip to Waffle House and this year we decided to see Hugo.

  I loved the film and especially enjoyed seeing it in 3-D.   A beautiful movie and a wonderful story too.  

We do things by vote in our family and this year rather than eating Christmas dinner at home and preparing our usual feast of lobster we decided to go to the Melting Pot.  I'd gotten an email from them saying they would be open on Christmas with very limited seating and we got a spot.  We had so much fun dining out and enjoying fondu.  
Now we are off to pick up the grandgirls to start our holiday.  
My husband added photos instead of gift tags to the presents this year
Tomorrow we leave for our overseas adventure and I'll post pictures when I can. 
Keeping the holiday spirit, 

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