Sunday, December 11, 2011

Enjoying the Season Middle Georgia Style

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here but we haven't had too much time to enjoy very many seasonal festivities.   But last weekend my husband and I took a day to go visit my mom and take her on a holiday outing.  

Early Saturday morning we headed down to pick up my mom and traveled to Perry, Georgia.  It happens to be the place where I was born (click here to see the house which served as a clinic and birthing center) and it's also the home of the famous New Perry Hotel
The hotel has recently reopened and is under new management so it was fun to explore this middle Georgia landmark.
The hotel was holding a gingerbread house event and we had such a great time decorating our houses.  

And even enjoyed a visit with Santa before lunch and heading off to Lane.  
Now if you have never traveled I-75 to Florida and stopped by Lane you've missed out on THE BEST peach ice cream, pecan treats and a taste of the south.  As a young girl we went to the packing sheds which operated 24-hours a day during peach season but things at Lane's have changed over the years.    
Lane Southern Orchards is a few miles off the interstate and driving over we saw cotton fields.   In some ways it looked like snow was  on the ground giving the farmland a touch of seasonal decoration.
 Then we passed the beautiful pecan groves.  So peaceful and stately.
At Lane's you will always discover fresh cinnamon pecans on the menu.

 And a store full of peach and pecan goods, including pickled peaches.  Yum!!!

 I'm hoping this week slows down so that we can spend more time enjoying the season.  
Have your holiday celebrations gotten underway?

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