Thursday, March 19, 2009


Didn't get a dayum thing done outside this week.
So...I give to you our unfinished outdoor area.
Why, you politely ask? Because I am HOOKED on finishing it!!
I figure if I show it to you in this state it will motivate me to get it in that state.
simple, eh?
...In all of it's full, unpretty, crooked and unfinished glory.
Full disclosure.Our pool area is a mess.
We had a friend take down the 35 year old pool screen.
Thank you thank you thank you!!
This must be what catarac surgery feels like...
We can see color above the pool. Blue sky, green palms...
lovely saturated color. No more grey screened color

{This is under our roof...we have about 200sf here. and 2000 in pool area. Ideas???}
But now we need to paint and scrub and powerwash
and arrange chairs and umbrellas...and make it liveable again.
This is the sad but true view we have right now...which
maybe by the weekend will be much better
ok. a little {Corner of pool area. It has about 7 arches to the outside yard}
Like I said...we're feeling a little crooked...

Much, much work to do...sigh

How does the saying go?...many hands make light work...yep.
This weekend the kids and I are having at it. Making work light.
I can hear their moans from here.

Meanwhile...nature keeps working it's amazing graces...

This is a piece of driftwood I found on the beach.
Now home to a vibrantly smiling bromeliad...

I don't hear it moaning and complaining.

keep palming...without my asking.

keep lemoning...even when I am not looking.

Cleodendrum blasts its firecracker like blooms

Yep...a veritable party in the back yard!
Isn't nature grand?
...I need to follow it's lead and get crackin'

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