Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Ex.....

So...there she was in all of her thirty dollar glory

Sitting, well kneeling... alone

in the Habitat for Humanity store.

I love old South and Central American

Clay. I am fascinated with Santos and ex votos, milagres...

Handmade for purpose...with reason.

In Mexico, an ex voto is most commonly a personal thank you note
to God,
often taking the form of folk art.

So...the lady, made into the lamp, called my name.
I left her at the counter as I shopped...Then later was concerned that someone else would
scoop her up and buy her as I browsed old windows, and broken tile!

They didn't.
Then I realized that probably not many people saw the beauty in her
that I did.
I'm pretty sure I saw one old couple actually laughing

That's ok...She will fit right in our casa...with
some of the other
Beautiful souls.

When I asked my daughter's opinion of which room she looked best in...She answered...

The closet.


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