Tuesday, August 20, 2013

"The Birds" and Bodega Bay

The Birds has always creeped me out, but even so, I loved the film.  And didn’t you love Tippi Hedren and her suit? 
Jojo's Joys

Jojo's Joys

Jojo's Joys
Tippi's Autographed Photo in our Cabin

The film left me with a genuine fear respect of birds.
Jojo's Joys

Jojo's Joys
It was exciting to spend a weekend visiting the area where the film was made.  Even more exciting to see such beautiful countryside - the vineyards and the Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve.
Jojo's Joys

Jojo's Joys

Jojo's Joys
Jojo's Joys
Jojo's Joys
My imagination always gets away with me when we travel. In the back of my mind I’m always trying to imagine myself living wherever we visit and Bodega Bay passed muster (what is a muster?) in my book.
Jojo's Joys

We spent a long weekend enjoying the coastal area, visiting Ft. Ross, touring a few vineyards in Sonoma County and of course visiting one of the most memorable places from the film, “The Birds.” 

Jojo's Joys

Jojo's Joys

I think I need to add something here about the Bodega General Store. If you are in the area you won't want to miss this place.  We stocked up on delicious dishes for the weekend including crab mac 'n cheese. Yum!
Jojo's Joys

Many times when we travel we’re staying in hotels but this trip we stayed in a little cabin on the bay.  It was an adorable cottage with tons of windows giving us a gorgeous view of the bay. I loved being able to snuggle up in the evenings with a quilt and a book. 
Jojo's Joys

You know, sometimes a perfect weekend getaway is all one needs to get lost in relaxation, daydreams and moonbeams.

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