Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pear Shaped

Returning at almost midnight on a high from the RHS London Plant And Design Show a fortnight ago, I really came back to earth with a rapid bump the next morning. A phone call from my Mum's neighbour informed me that my Mum was quite poorly. To cut a long story short I've been away until last night looking after her. Mum has had bronchitis, possibly pneumonia. She is now almost 89, disabled, frail and has been through some tough times over the last few years. She seems to be improving albeit very slowly but apart from the medication is in need of some tlc. Unfortunately none of my siblings live near to her, so we are busy trying to juggle out a rota to ensure that she has somebody with her for the immediate future. Hence my sudden lack of blogging and severely reduced blog visiting. I'm back home for a few days now though so hope to do some catching up and also to make some inroads into my completely stalled gardening/allotment tasks. I have a feeling that I may sowing fewer seeds this year! In my absence my sweet peppers have grown into triffids and himself managed to lose a box of seed potatoes that had been delivered. I located them almost within ten minutes of walking through the door. Today has been a beautiful day so my dear thoughtful man took me out for a good walk to blow away the cobwebs. We visited the Winter Garden at Dunham Massey - more soon on that I hope and then went on to a garden centre for a reccie and lunch. That man knows how to make me happier!

PS I've lost ten pounds in weight since I've been away - every cloud has a silver lining and all that!

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