Thursday, October 14, 2010

You NEED these…

I have a blog friend who is warm and funny and generous

and has a fascinating past

and a gorgeous weimeramer

...not to mention a once gas station she is converting into a beautiful home

with designer chickens...that she names

really...I'm not making any of this up!

She recently sent me the most beautiful ‘herdas she calls them

of Great Danes…

Excellent Danes as my son says...


Gasp! I LOVE these notecards

These little bitty letterpress Big Black Danes

galloping over beautiful card stock…with multi hued envelopes


And I LOVE Melissa

at the Handwork Chronicles

she creates these and so many many more works of art…and soul.

Cranks them all out one by one in her studio in the deeps of Colorado


And YOU can have a chance at your own herd, as she is celebrating her 100th sale on Etsy

Go to her blog…

Enter to win

...and tell her hello from the

Big Black Dog



is keeping a very watchful eye over this invading little herd


...and countin’ his cookies!


Run….Get your own little herd of anything

…right here!

or win one here

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