Monday, September 6, 2010

End Of Month View - August 2010

I am not sure what happened to June and July's end of month view and August's was nearly censored. However the fact that a steel bench happened to occupy centre stage means this is a warts and all view. If nothing else looking at it will serve as a salutary reminder to myself of what I need to do before winter sets in. The bench was there as a window was being replaced. With some under the breath muttering in himself's direction, I had to clear room for action, so some serious cutting back ensued. Somewhere in there is a eupatorium which sadly will now not flower this autumn. Also on the casualty list is a newly planted hellebore which is now in intensive care. However everything else has survived with a few minor bruises.

At this time of year the border is very shady - the branches of a large willow tree (top left), which is outside the perimeter of our garden, creep into view as the year progresses. The yellow thug which I tried to eradicate earlier in the year is still making its presence known albeit in a quieter fashion. More digging out of aforesaid thug is required. The fatsia japonica is heading for a new home if it will transplant as it has begun to obscure the view from inside the house. Is it too big to move successfully? I am thinking of planting a rose and a clematis in its place. Other plants need thinning out and/or dividing/repositioning - namely brunnera, geranium phaeum and campanula persicifolia so my things to do list is getting longer and longer. We also need to top up the soil level which has shrunk over the years. So the next time you see my end of month view it may be even more depleted than it is now but hopefully I will be feeling more positive about it.

With many thanks to The Patient Gardener who invites us to share our views each month - I am finding it a most useful opportunity to take stock and form an action plan.

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