Sunday, September 28, 2008


First impressions when you walk in the

front door.

Doesn't hurt to have a touch of tropical flora and fauna to welcome

so say I...

all images: Coastal Living

And the delightful Sandra from Canyon Wren Cottage has tagged me...If ya love Texas (and even if you don't...check out her blog!)
Ok...Seven weird or unknown facts about me:
1. I have synesthesia. Didn't know until I was an adult...but for me, all of the words and letters I see are in color. I thought everyone had a specific color for Wednesday or Sally. Apparently not. Anyone else???
2. I am allergic to spearmint gum. Eyes blow up, roof of mouth itches. not peppermint or wintergreen...just spearmint. And just gum.
3. Last baby was born in water (not weird to me...but many)
4. My daughter and I have the same exact three freckles on our nose.
5. We were married on Christmas eve...It was beautiful and perfect.
6. Grasping now...Tracked Dall Sheep in the Glaciers of Alaska with a Marine Biologist...the piper Cub kept trying to stall mid-air...we landed where no human ever had, I wasn't nervous at all.
7. I have a bright, hand painted turquoise indonesian kite hanging from the ceiling of my has wings and claws. And is probably not very welcoming...and I would do better with some lovely tropical flowers. live and learn, eh?
I am going to pass this on to anybody that would like to grab it...and keep it movin'! You ALL are my faves! Really, really!!

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