Needless to say there are plenty of things that I should be getting on with. Himself bought the heated propagator down from the loft yesterday, seed packets have been arriving in the post, the allotment annual master plan needs fine-tuning etc. but I am now seriously side-tracked. Whilst clearing out a cupboard last week I came across a jigsaw puzzle. How, when and why it entered this house is beyond recall. It must have been lurking in the cupboard though for some time and has never been assembled as the pieces were still sealed in a bag. Maybe it was a gift at some point or I bought it only to put it to one side only to promptly forget its existence.
It's been more years than I care to remember since I've completed a jigsaw other than the occasional online puzzle. However with the weather being still too cold to tempt me outside the jigsaw came out at the weekend. I thought that I should give it a go. It's a MONSTER - coming in at 1000 pieces and measuring 72 x 51cm. It was designed and produced by the National Trust. I am presuming that the garden features and houses are linked to National Trust properties, although there are no details to confirm this. The house in the centre looks hauntingly familiar but I wish that I could put a name to it.
I've been allowed the luxury of spreading this out on the breakfast bar. I think that himself sees this as a preferable alternative to plant pots filled with seedlings occupying the same space. Progress so far is slow - the outer perimeter is all in place bar one so far elusive piece. I'm now filling in on the left hand side slowly working towards the maze which looks rather challenging. What has surprised me is just how relaxing it is, so much so that I think that I could have another serious addiction on my hands. What about you and jigsaws - love them or would they be one of your candidates for 'Room 101'?
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