Friday, August 3, 2012

A yummy Spanish style home in our little town…

I’ve passed by this home….many a time.

Landscaped it in my minds eye

it always looked a bit…well…undone on the outside


But I could see she was a beaut.

I stepped inside the other day yes I was invited

And fell in love :: cue soppy music ::

Mizner Style 1930’s…one of the first of the homes in our little town…


It has been owned by one family the whole time

so... has so much integrity

and original fixtures and fittings


You can really feel the soul of this home in the gorgeous floors and windows and doors


and it doesn’t scream ostentatious which a few or more than a few homes around these parts do

But it DOES have ten bedrooms and 6 baths





AND the original kitchen…or semi original kid you not.

Dayum I love that sink…Now THAT is a baby washing sink!

So…this vintage mission house was for sale for 696K

I thought I can figure that out…somehow we could swing that.

Um…I missed the 2 mill in front of the 695K


But maybe you can swing it….check it out here

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