Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pancha Tantra…and wool slippers...

As we pretended to be snowed in

albeit it WAS cold…we continue to wear our flannel Jammies we got for Christmas…and wool slippers

such decadence in Florida

we played monopoly

not just any monopoly…but electronic banking monopoly…whole new world.

forget 200 clams when you pass go…how about 2mil?

I…perused…a fave gift


Walton Ford’s Paintings in a Taschen Book

a HUGE taschen book called Pancha tantra...



His paintings are often life size

and full of the animal world like you have never seen…provocative

often with scribbled field notes around the edges…


Tantalizing and disturbing

What better combination…while donned in flannel pj’s sipping warm cocoa?

Enjoy your after festivities time…

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