Sunday, July 19, 2009

To find out where we are…where we have been…where the Heck we are going…

The old fashioned way

With Maps.

We have a few in our casa…

Our family room takes the brunt of it.

Some old and showing their age…

in a wise sort of way

maps 044

maps 060-1

Others new…and wordly.

at least 5 X4 feet…Ikea. Who knew?

maps 027-1

Others…I grew up with

and if I look closely can see the pen marks where I planned a 7 year olds journey

A 3-D of the Swiss Alps

map2 001-2

You always have to have at least a faint idea

of where you are going.

So say we…

In Sept we are off to Brazil and Argentina.


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