Friday, February 13, 2009

I love.......

sweet simplicity....
...With Love

photos: Marie Claire

I am pretty sure these are little valentine hearts

hanging from this chair....

just for you.

Let's pretend.

I'm also hooked on Blog Love

nutin' like it!

Amazing Lisa at Abiding There created a beautiful, sweet

Eye-candy award...

and she awarded one to me!!

She asked that I pass it on to three otherBlogs whose photos are so yummy!

SOOOO many I could choose...But will choose three that

I am loving this week...and all weeks!

Stephanie at Rodrigvitz style
and Lauren at Pure Home Style
Each of these blogs are always lippin' full with beautiful
photos...and prose.
Thank You for giving us such color and beauty!
and if you can keep the award going...and choose three more to
award it to...we'll keep the Love moving!!
Also check out Julia at hooked on houses formore hooked on Valentines FUN!!
Have a beautiful weekend! Eat chocolate.

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